El 14 de agosto se publicó
novela corta que sigue a Brave, el tercer libro de la trilogía Wicked (Cazadora de Hadas)
Esta novela se sitúa cierto tiempo después del final de Brave y tiene como protagonistas a Brighton, miembro de la Orden y personaje secundario que ya conocíamos de la trilogía Wicked y el Príncipe...bueno, si ya habéis leído la trilogía completa sabréis quién es.
Os dejo mi reseña y un adelanto exclusivo que podéis leer.

From #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes a new story in her Wicked series…
She’s everything he wants…
Cold. Heartless. Deadly. Whispers of his name alone bring fear to fae and mortals alike. The Prince. There is nothing in the mortal world more dangerous than him. Haunted by a past he couldn’t control, all Caden desires is revenge against those who’d wronged him, trapping him in never-ending nightmare. And there is one person he knows can help him.
She’s everything he can’t have…
Raised within the Order, Brighton Jussier knows just how dangerous the Prince is, reformed or not. She’d seen firsthand what atrocities he could be capable of. The last thing she wants to do is help him, but he leaves her little choice. Forced to work alongside him, she begins to see the man under the bitter ice. Yearning for him feels like the definition of insanity, but there’s no denying the heat in his touch and the wicked promise is his stare.
She’s everything he’ll take….
But there’s someone out there who wants to return the Prince to his former self. A walking, breathing nightmare that is hell bent on destroying the world and everyone close to him. The last thing either of them needs is a distraction, but with the attraction growing between them each now, the one thing he wants more than anything may be the one thing that will be his undoing.
She’s everything he’d die for….
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I needed to stop this. Right now.
My eyes drifted shut as his hand made its
way from my neck, skimming down the side of my body, over my lax arm. The tips
of his fingers coasted over mine, and then found their way to my hip. A pumping
pulse picked up in several key points in my body, responding to the light,
forbidden touch.
He didn’t speak as his warm breath kissed
the curve of my cheek and I didn’t say or do anything. I could stop him. I knew
I could. Or I could at least try.
I did nothing.
His hand slipped over my stomach, below my
navel. I jerked, bringing us closer. Way too close once more, and I couldn’t
breathe as something bizarre happened inside me. It was like all my senses woke
up at once, sparking with life and flaming heat through my veins.
His hand dropped to the front of my dress,
right above where a deep, deep ache had started. He growled deep in his throat
as he said against the flushed skin of my neck, “Your pulse is racing so
fast—too fast for someone entranced.”
Oh hell.
The Prince might not recognize who I was,
but he knew I wasn’t entranced. Fight or flight response kicked in, overriding
the confusing heat pumping through my body.
Two years ago, I would’ve chosen flight.
That was all I’d been capable of. Not anymore. A whole different instinct took
over, a newly developed one. I had no idea why the Prince was here, in the pit
of his enemies, and I wasn’t willing to risk finding out or being caught by
Spinning around, I gripped his forearm as I
ducked and twisted, slipping free of his grip. I saw the flicker of surprise on
his face and then I spun back toward him. Still holding onto his arm, I used
his weight as an anchor as I leaned back. Planting my left leg back, I lifted
my right and slammed my knee into his midsection.
The Prince grunted as he let go, but he did
not move even an inch. That kind of kick would’ve brought a human down.
Probably would’ve even knocked a normal fae back several steps, but not an
Ancient. He lifted his chin, eyes narrowed with annoyance.
“That was unnecessarily violent,” he said,
straightening to his full height.
He hadn’t seen unnecessarily violent yet.
I spun, picking up the chair. It was
surprisingly heavy. Grunting, I swung it around, prepared to at least knock him
once upside the head. Wouldn’t kill him, but would definitely give me a chance
to escape without having to answer questions.
The Prince’s speed was mind-numbingly fast.
I didn’t even see him lift a hand. He just
suddenly had ahold of the leg of the chair. He wrenched it from my grip, tossing
it aside. The chair hit the wall with a bang, shattering into three large
La trilogía Wicked (Cazadora de
Hadas) es una saga original, excitante y llena de misterio y aventura. Tras
leer Brave, el último libro de la saga (y que os recuerdo que saldrá en Octubre
en español con el título de Valiente), me quedé con un huequito en el corazón.
La saga no tiene un final típico, aunque os aseguro que cierra bien la
trilogía, pero aún así no es un final cerrado-cerrado, por lo que la autora aún
tenía mucho que ofrecernos. Y así ha sido. The Prince es la novela corta que
continúa con el universo Wicked, sólo que con otros personajes principales. Sí,
Ivy, Ren y, sobre todo, Tink, harán sus apariciones, pero en este caso los
protagonistas serán Brighton, miembro de la Orden que lleva siglos luchando
contra los terribles fae, y Caden, el Príncipe fae por excelencia.
Es difícil hacer una reseña de
este libro sin caer en spoilers de los anteriores, así que a no ser que hayáis
leído BRAVE en inglés, MEJOR QUE NO LEÁIS ESTA RESEÑA. Os recomiendo que si estáis
leyendo la saga en español, esperéis apenas un mes y poco más para leer
Valiente, y así podréis leer The Prince. No sé si esta novelita corta la traerán
en español, a lo mejor no les compensa mucho a las editoriales españolas, pero
sería estupendo y a mí me encantaría que lo hicieran, como supongo que le
encantaría al resto de los fans de la saga y de la autora. En fin…
Brighton es, como os decía antes,
miembro de la Orden, la organización que lleva luchando contra los faes y protegiendo
el mundo humano del Otro Mundo desde hace siglos. Desde que tenía apenas 12
años, Brighton ha cuidado de su madre, una luchadora de la Orden que sufrió
tortura a manos de los faes, portando posteriormente secuelas físicas y,
principalmente, psicológicas que la obligaron a apartarse de su deber para con
la Orden. Así pues, madre e hija siguieron siendo miembros activos de la Orden,
pero desde la seguridad de su hogar, investigando, reuniendo toda la
información disponible sobre ellos, y convirtiéndose en claves importantes en
la lucha contra ellos. Hasta que una noche, tiempo después de que Ivy, Ren y un
grupo de faes “buenos”, vencieran a la temible Reina fae que iba a traer la
destrucción al mundo humano, fueron abordadas y atacadas por un grupo de faes
en busca de venganza. Su madre no consiguió salir con vida esta vez y Brighton apenas
sobrevive. A raíz de aquella noche, Brighton cambió, empezó a entrenarse sola y
a seguir su propio camino, buscando y eliminando a los faes que las atacaron.
Pero en un momento dado, su camino vuelve a cruzarse con Caden , el Príncipe de
la corte Verano que, en principio, no es malo, pero que parece tener también su
propia agenda particular. La química entre ellos es innegable y se hace visible
al poco tiempo, el misterio, el peligro y la aventura unen sus caminos y ambos
no se podrán resistir a lo que hay entre ellos, aunque puede que el Príncipe
tenga que tomar una difícil decisión al final.
The Prince es una novela corta,
pero intensa, que no os podéis perder si habéis leído la trilogía Wicked al
completo. Es maravillosa, apasionada y llena de misterio y de aventura, como sus
predecesoras, con una pareja de protagonistas que también hacen que salten las
chispas (aunque menos momentos de pasión de los que me gustaría), y se lee en
un suspiro. Yo tardé apenas un día en devorarlo, y eso porque tuve que hacer las
paradas reglamentarias a lo largo del día para, ya sabéis, comer, dormir y esas
cosas. ¿Y el final? Maldita sea, te deja con unas ganas de seguir leyendo que
no os podéis hacer una idea, de verdad.
No os perdáis The Prince!!!!!
Jennifer L. Armentrout’s THE PRINCE – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
August 15th
A Beautiful Book Obsession – Review
Besties, Books & Sunshine – Review & Excerpt
TheReadingRealtor – Review & Excerpt
Crazy Love 4 Books – Review & Excerpt
Garden of REden – Review
JordansBookReviews – Excerpt
Literaria – Review
Read-Love-Blog – Excerpt
Stuck In Books – Review & Excerpt
What's Your Story Reviews – Review & Excerpt
The Cover Contessa – Excerpt
August 16th
A Sky Filled with Sparkling Stars – Excerpt
Blushing babes are up all night – Review
Books & Other Pursuits – Excerpt
ClaryNathanWill – Review & Excerpt
East Coast Book Chicks – Review & Excerpt
I Smell Sheep – Excerpt
Krystal Loves Books – Review & Excerpt
Perpetual Fangirl – Review & Excerpt
Readers Live A Thousand Lives – Excerpt
Red Hot + Blue Reads – Review & Excerpt
Zili In The Sky – Review
August 17th
Ali’s Reviews and More – Review & Excerpt
Books are My Life – Review & Excerpt
Desperately Seeking HEA’s Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
K-Books – Review
Little Red Reading Hood – Review
Reads All the Books – Review & Excerpt
Then There Were Books – Excerpt
Words are Life – Excerpt
Cocktails and Books – Review & Excerpt
August 18th
a GREAT read – Review & Excerpt
Book Angel Booktopia – Review & Excerpt
Cinta Garcia de la Rosa – Excerpt
Greyland Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Lisa Loves Literature – Review & Excerpt
Nose Stuck in a Book – Review & Excerpt
Simply Crystal – Excerpt
The Cozy Reading Corner – Excerpt
The Fancy Nerds – Review & Excerpt
August 19th
Alphas Do It Better Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Becky on Books – Review & Excerpt
Declarations of a Fangirl – Review & Excerpt
Kiss and Tell Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Literary Misfit – Excerpt
Reese's Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Saga Lux Spain – Review & Excerpt
The Phantom Paragrapher – Review
Vera is Reading – Excerpt
August 20th
A Chick, Her A Dog and A Blog – Review & Excerpt
Books 2 Blog – Review & Excerpt
Ginreads – Review
Incidental Inspiration – Review & Excerpt
JOJO THE BOOKAHOLIC – Review & Excerpt
Lo’s Lo-Down on Books – Review
The Blonde Book Lover – Review & Excerpt
Wicked Reads – Review & Excerpt
YA FANTASY WORLDS – Review & Excerpt
August 21st
A Fortress of Books – Review & Excerpt
Book Bite Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Friends Till The End Book Blog – Excerpt
Julalicious Book Paradise – Excerpt
Kalli's Book Nook – Review & Excerpt
Milky Way of Books – Excerpt
Nerdy Soul – Review & Excerpt
Onceupon_a_bookdream – Review & Excerpt
Ruby's Books – Excerpt
Take Me Away To A Great Read – Excerpt
August 22nd
3 degrees of fiction – Excerpt
All Things Dark & Dirty – Review & Excerpt
Book Butterfly in Dreamland – Review
Jax's Book Magic – Excerpt
Love Between The Sheets – Review
Reading Between the Wines Book Club – Review & Excerpt
The Bo0ki3 – Excerpt
The Heathers' Blog – Review & Excerpt
Travels N Reads – Excerpt
What's Beyond Forks? – Review & Excerpt
August 23rd
A British Bookworm's Blog – Review
Book Crook Reviews – Excerpt
Book Enticer – Review & Excerpt
Dark Faerie Tales – Review & Excerpt
KsiążkowaPasja – Review
Literary Dust – Review & Excerpt
Mama Reads Blog – Review & Excerpt
Pages to Explore – Excerpt
The Book Dutchesses – Review & Excerpt
August 24th
Alpha Omega & In Between – Review
Book Mania – Review & Excerpt
Buttercup’s Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Cupcakesandbookshelves – Review & Excerpt
Fictionally Sam – Review & Excerpt
Never Sleep Book Blog – Excerpt
Ramblings From This Chick – Excerpt
Romance Schmomance – Review & Excerpt
SA Clayton – Excerpt
The Lux Fangirl – Review & Excerpt